Tony has a garden in Heath & Reach, Bedfordhire. He needed some suggestions for a steep earth bank which he had behind his house. The bank is about 20 feet high and a section some 30 feet long needed replanting with shrubs and ground cover with strong root systems to prevent erosion. In Heath & Reach the soil is sandy and Tony's bank faced
Skimmia japonica
Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen'
Mahonia repens 'Rotundifolia'
Cotoneaster microphyllus
Hypericum calycinum (don't try in other parts of a garden as in good conditions it will be invasive)
Perennials -
Vinca minor
Bergenias (most varieties)
Pachysandra termanalis
Viola riviniana Purpurea group
Waldstenia ternata (again - don't try in other parts of a garden as in good conditions it will be invasive)